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Standalone test executable


The repo is cloned and all the commands should be run from the cloned repo.

mkdir ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
git clone
cd cnf-certification-test


By default, cnf-certification-test emits results to cnf-certification-test/cnf-certification-tests_junit.xml.

1. Install dependencies

Depending on how you want to run the test suite there are different dependencies that will be needed.

If you are planning on running the test suite as a container, the only pre-requisite is Docker or Podman.

If you are planning on running the test suite as a standalone binary, there are pre-requisites that will need to be installed in your environment prior to runtime.

Dependency Minimum Version
GoLang 1.22
golangci-lint 1.56.2
jq 1.6
OpenShift Client 4.12

Other binary dependencies required to run tests can be installed using the following command:


  • You must also make sure that $GOBIN (default $GOPATH/bin) is on your $PATH.
  • Efforts to containerise this offering are considered a work in progress.

2. Build the Test Suite

In order to build the test executable, first make sure you have satisfied the dependencies.

make build-cnf-tests

Gotcha: The make build* commands run unit tests where appropriate. They do NOT test the workload.

3. Test a workload

A workload is tested by specifying which suites to run using the helper script.

Run any combination of the suites keywords listed at in the General tests section, e.g.

./ -l "lifecycle"
./ -l "networking,lifecycle"
./ -l "operator,networking"
./ -l "networking,platform-alteration"
./ -l "networking,lifecycle,affiliated-certification,operator"


As with “”, if -l is not specified here, the tnf will run in ‘diagnostic’ mode.

By default the claim file will be output into the same location as the test executable. The -o argument for can be used to provide a new location that the output files will be saved to. For more detailed control over the outputs, see the output of cnf-certification-test.test --help.

    cd cnf-certification-test && ./cnf-certification-test.test --help

Run a single test

All tests have unique labels, which can be used to filter which tests are to be run. This is useful when debugging a single test.

To select the test to be executed when running with the following command-line:

./ -l operator-install-source


The test labels work the same as the suite labels, so you can select more than one test with the filtering mechanism shown before.

Run all of the tests

You can run all of the tests (including the intrusive tests and the extended suite) with the following commands:

./ -l all

Run a subset

You can find all the labels attached to the tests by running the following command:

./ --list

You can also check the to find all test labels.

Labels for offline environments

Some tests do require connectivity to Red Hat servers to validate certification status. To run the tests in an offline environment, skip the tests using the l option.

./ -l '!online'

Alternatively, if an offline DB for containers, helm charts and operators is available, there is no need to skip those tests if the environment variable TNF_OFFLINE_DB is set to the DB location. This DB can be generated using the OCT tool.

Note: Only partner certified images are stored in the offline database. If Red Hat images are checked against the offline database, they will show up as not certified. The online database includes both Partner and Redhat images.

Output tar.gz file with results and web viewer files

After running all the test cases, a compressed file will be created with all the results files and web artifacts to review them.

By default, only the claim.js, the cnf-certification-tests_junit.xml file and this new tar.gz file are created after the test suite has finished, as this is probably all that normal partners/users will need.

Two env vars allow to control the web artifacts and the the new tar.gz file generation:

  • TNF_OMIT_ARTIFACTS_ZIP_FILE=true/false : Defaulted to false in the launch scripts. If set to true, the tar.gz generation will be skipped.
  • TNF_INCLUDE_WEB_FILES_IN_OUTPUT_FOLDER=true/false : Defaulted to false in the launch scripts. If set to true, the web viewer/parser files will also be copied to the output (claim) folder.

Build + Test a workload

Refer Developers’ Guide